Forget Tony Robbins, “Office Margaret” Is the Real Motivation You Need

8 min readMay 5, 2023
Image: Dennis Cox

Week after week, the sneaky Lottery industry keep raking in the big bucks by feeding us a deluded fantasy.

It’s the idea that we all share a common dream of one day being able to escape our soul-crushing job and never work again.

As if this is the yin and yang of life.

It’s all in on the dark side, with only a glimmer of hope that one day we might get to enjoy a few years of our life on the bright side.

To be free, happy and to never have to worry about all these long, wasted days.

But to do what exactly?

“Office Margaret” has spent the last 40 years of her life thinking just that.

She been dragging herself through the years with a deep-set “wish and wait” attitude.

It’s either winning the Powerball on Saturday or it’s counting down the decades until she’s allowed to retire and gain a little enjoyment out of her life.

Just waiting to get pennies on the dollar for feeding into that Ponzi scheme we call a government pension.

Of course she’s always tired and grumpy. She’s been working her meaningless job for so long she doesn’t even know who she is any more.

